
Denise Austin: 10 Five Minute Target Toners - DVD

15,90 EUR
Inhalt 1 Stück
inkl. ges. MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten

lieferbar in 1-3 Tagen
Artikelnummer 31306

Denise Austin has done it again! Hit the Spot: 10 5-Minute Target Toners is the perfect way to treat yourself to a magnificent upper - and lower - body toning workout that targets every major muscle group to shape a lean, strong and healthy body.

The best part is, these incredibly effective target toners can be combined or worked individually to customize routines that suit your mood and body-sculpting goals. So get target toning and get fit fast!

ab chiseler

tigh trimmer

chest firmer

back sculptor

arm shaper

shoulder definer

hip slimmer

inner-tigh tightener

waist cincher

bun lifter


DVD also includes a 5-minute warm-up and cool-down to complete your workout

Custom Workout Interactive Option

Art.-ID 31306
Zustand Neu & OVP
Altersfreigabe Ohne Altersbeschränkung
Herstellungsland Deutschland
Inhalt 1 Stück
Gewicht 90 g
Netto-Gewicht 0 g
Maße 0×0×0 mm

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